Monday 28 May 2012

Online Certificate in Religious Studies: Program Information

A variety of programs fall under the heading of religious studies. Divinity schools and philosophy departments offer comparative studies of different belief systems, while individual religious faiths provide specialized training in their particular doctrines to train new leaders or further educate the faithful. Devoted students can find online religious studies certificate programs all along this continuum.

Online Undergraduate Certificate in Religious Studies Overview

Online undergraduate religious studies certificate programs typically take 1-2 years to complete. Those offered by a college or seminary with a strong affiliation to one religious faith tend to concentrate on that faith. Examples include certificates in Christian ministry, Biblical theology, Old Testament studies and New Testament studies. Certificate programs spanning multiple spiritual faiths or philosophies can also be found at the undergraduate level, but they may lack the depth of scholarship found in degree programs or graduate certificate programs. Titles include religious education, religion and culture, and spiritual studies.
Some programs require students to have a high school diploma or the equivalent. However, many schools open their certificate programs to anyone who is interested, regardless of educational background.

Program Information

Students should be able to complete undergraduate certificate programs completely online. However, not all elective courses may be available online, so students wishing to take those courses may need to attend on-site classes or transfer credits from classes completed at institutions near their homes.
Distance learning students will need access to a computer and the Internet, but the technical requirements for most religious studies online certificate programs are at the low end of the current technological spectrum. Students will view lectures on DVD or over the Web and use e-mail or online courseware to complete assignments and communicate with their instructors.

Course and Class Information

Many courses consist of directed independent study and rely upon a written summary of material learned, rather than a final exam, for a grade. Depending upon the school, some online courses may be transferable to degree programs in religious studies, philosophy or the social sciences.

Bible Study Course

Approaches to Bible study vary considerably. Courses might concentrate on one or more books in the Bible, the Old or New Testaments in general, themes and images in the Bible, or a review of the historical record from other contemporary sources.

World Religions Course

This course introduces students to the major world religions, their histories, fundamental doctrines and practices. Other historical and primitive religions are described and compared.

Ministry and Pastoral Care Course

Pastoral care is a necessary part of a religious leader's responsibilities. The theory and techniques of counseling and spiritual support are reviewed, and assignments give students the opportunity to apply their skills in simulated pastoral care situations.

Ethics Course

This course demonstrates that ethics are not universal; the foundations for ethics vary for every religion or culture. Students examine the similarities and differences of major ethical systems.

Sociology of Religion Course

Sociological aspects of religion include the effect of family on religious preferences, the growth of cults, the treatment of women and the interplay with politics. The correlations between religions and social classes or ethnic identities are also discussed.

Career Information

Online undergraduate certificate programs in religious studies generally do not prepare graduates for licensure or ordination as clergy. Programs are often designed for laypeople, as well as ordained church leaders. Skills learned might be helpful to graduates applying for entry-level jobs in social services, religious education, volunteer coordination or community organizing.

Online Graduate Certificate in Religious Studies Overview

A bachelor's degree is the primary requirement for enrolling in an online graduate certificate program in religious studies. The graduate certificate is a mechanism for students to continue or redirect their studies without having to commit to a degree program.

Program Information

Students can expect to complete 18-21 credits of master's-level courses in 1-2 years. Most programs are fully online, so students can complete all coursework remotely. The online experience is designed to foster communication between classmates, as well as with faculty.
Online requirements for a computer with Internet access are the same as for an undergraduate certificate program. Most schools support both Windows and Mac platforms and use commercially available distance learning software packages.

Course and Class Information

Courses are frequently taught by the same instructors as corresponding on-site classes, so educational content should be comparable. Instructors are trained in online classroom techniques so they can take full advantage of technological features.

Biblical Languages Course

Coursework starts with the alphabet and grammar of Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew languages, then compares passages from several translations of the Bible. Students are encouraged to use external resources, such as those found on the Internet, to familiarize themselves with Biblical languages.

Muhammad and Islam Course

The life and teachings of the prophet Muhammad are summarized in this course. Islamic beliefs and practices are also presented and contrasted with those of other religions.

Judaic Studies Course

This course provides a review of Jewish history, the sacred texts, the geographical displacement of the Jewish people over time and Jewish culture. Students should have some experience with the Hebrew language before taking this course.

Philosophies of China Course

Major philosophical influences on Chinese society are summarized, including Confucianism, Taoism, Chinese Buddhism and the I Ching. Course emphasis is on the differences between these different elements, debunking attempts to synthesize them into a single 'Chinese philosophy.'

Career Information

An online graduate certificate in religious studies can enhance the desirability of a job candidate with a bachelor's degree, demonstrating a desire to learn and an ability to set and meet advanced educational goals. Potential employers include faith-based organizations, museums, historical societies, social service agencies and the media.

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