Tuesday 29 May 2012

Online Courses and Classes in Theology

Students with an interest in studying religious perspectives or training for religious vocations may benefit from completing online theology courses offered through private colleges.

Overview of Theology Courses

Online theology courses are typically available through private and church-affiliated colleges and universities, within Bachelor of Arts in Theological Studies or Religion and Masters of Divinity programs. A few theology or religion courses may also be taken as elective courses within liberal arts degree programs.
While religion courses usually seek to compare and contrast religious movements, theology courses are designed to prepare individuals for careers as ministers, spiritual counselors and educators within specific religious viewpoints.

Course Requirements

Most schools offer an online orientation class for students who are new to taking online courses. Students will need a basic knowledge of Internet navigation and basic computer skills to successfully access the class website and to participate in discussion groups, conduct Internet research and complete assignments. Some schools may require that students make arrangements for exams which are proctored by a clergyperson or other individual approved by the college.

List of Online Theology Courses

Western World Religions Course

This introductory course compares the history and growth of Western religious theories and viewpoints. Students will explore the foundations and key concepts of Islam, Judaism and Christianity. The course may also include research on ancient religions and religious practices among non-literate societies. This course may be offered as an elective within several humanities programs. Online class participation may include discussion groups, e-mailed assignments and Internet research.

Christian Theology Course

This course reviews the theories surrounding the practice of a triune God, and focuses on the nature of God and His interaction with a created world. Topics include divine foreknowledge, the creation process, faith issues and the place of science in theological thought.

Bible Doctrines Course

This course reviews the historical account of Christian religious thought and doctrine as presented in the biblical accounts of the Old and New Testaments. Topics covered include Jewish history, the growth of Christianity and the establishment of modern-day religious practices.

Biblical Languages Course

Students are introduced to ancient Greek, Latin and Hebrew as recorded in biblical and historical texts. Students will review texts and conduct research on biblical language forms and context. Specialized software may be required to download language fonts and audio files.

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