Tuesday 29 May 2012

Online College Courses for Early Child Care

Online college courses for early child care are mainly offered for students seeking to fulfill state-mandated training requirements as a part of a wide variety of certificate and licensing programs. Courses can also be found in a variety of child care associate's degree programs.

Overview of Online College Courses in Early Child Care

Online college courses in early child care mainly fall under continuing education and are geared towards adults looking for part time classes. Since many of the courses are offered as parts of certification and state required licensure programs, most commonly the Child Development Associate (CDA), many are offered free of charge or at a very minimal price. Many graduates of online programs in early child care either continue their established career in the child care field, or pursue new careers as child care coordinators, human services assistants or teacher's aides.

Course Requirements

Since all correspondence and education takes place online, students are expected to have a computer with reliable, high speed Internet access. Common software used to view lecture information include Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Flash and Adobe Reader. Most work will be completed on a student's own time, however online discussions and chat sessions on programs like Blackboard will have pre-determined dates and times.

List of Online College Courses in Early Child Care

Childhood Peer Conflict Resolution Course

Students who enroll in this course will learn about the positive and negative aspects of children's conflict and what determines why children engage in frequent or infrequent conflict with their peers. The management of these conflicts is also covered, by teaching students age-appropriate conflict resolution skills.

Emotional and Social Development in Children Course

This course focuses on children's social-emotional development during the preschool years. In addition to providing a general overview of the topic, this course will offer practical tips on how to support children's development in these areas.

Infant and Toddler Development Course

This course is designed to give child care providers a basic understanding of infant and toddler development from birth to 36 months. Content covered in this course generally includes an overview of the principles of infant and toddler development, an investigation of the five primary domains of development and how to enhance development in all five areas.

Guidance and Discipline

Students who enroll in this course will learn about the strengths and weaknesses of various disciplinary styles. The concept of healthy limits and punishment strategies will also be discussed.

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