Tuesday 29 May 2012

Online Seminary Schools: How to Choose

Religious and theological education is available online at all levels, from certificate through doctoral degree. The many choices for academic focus reflect the large variety of student interests in this field.

How to Choose an Online Seminary School

Award Level

Seminary education is readily available online and includes accredited programs from the certificate through the doctoral degree levels. Christian studies, divinity, biblical studies and religion are possible themes.

Program Types

Seminary programs are usually offered in a hybrid format that includes either one or several visits to campus for seminars or residencies. Program length usually parallels that of traditional learning, though some accelerated programs are available.

List of Common Online Seminary Programs

Online Certificate of Completion in Christian Studies

A certificate program in Christian studies can work well for students not seeking a degree but wishing to enhance their knowledge about the ministry. Courses in ethics, systematic theology, philosophy and the history of Christianity may be presented through Blackboard or another course management system.

Online Associate of Ministry

Associate's degree programs in ministry feature studies of the Old and New Testaments, as well as training in preaching and spiritual counseling. Some programs are geared towards those with prior church experience. Courses may be offered entirely online or in a hybrid format. In both cases, students might need access to multimedia applications to participate in online lectures and discussions.

Online Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies

In a bachelor's-level biblical studies program, students develop an understanding of Christianity and its foundations in preparation for church ministry, missions, or continued education through a graduate program. Topics include Bible study, biblical interpretation, world religions, spiritual leadership and personal evangelism. An internship to gain practical experience may be required. Online resources can include discussion boards, synchronous chat programs and a file exchange server to share information with classmates.

Online Master of Divinity

Students in an online Master of Divinity program focus on deepening their knowledge of and facility with Christian scripture and tradition to enhance their spiritual leadership within the church. Some schools offer concentration options, such as family ministry, evangelism, theological research or teaching. Most programs are presented in a hybrid format, with some courses or periodic residencies taking place on campus. Online courses are taught via a learning management system such as ANGEL or Blackboard, and students can converse with classmates through dialogue forums.

Online Master of Arts in Religion

This online degree is designed for students with a personal interest in theology but who aren't intending to be a professional minister. Pastoral and social ethics, interpreting the Gospels, systematic theology and the history of philosophy are among the courses offered. A thesis is commonly required, and some schools provide a mentorship program to assist with coursework and evaluate student growth. Online learning is based on education systems such as Moodle or iTunes U, though many programs require some on-campus time.

Online Doctor of Ministry

An online doctor of ministry degree program is geared towards students who already have a master's degree in a seminary-based field and are currently serving in full-time ministry through a church. Typical courses include leadership, scriptures, global outreach and Biblical counseling. A dissertation is required. Students participate in interactive classes, discussions and group projects online, in addition to spending at least one week on campus for in-person activities.

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