Tuesday 29 May 2012

Online Christian Bible Study Courses and Education Programs

Online Christian Bible study courses examine the Old and New Testaments through the lens of the teachings of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. These courses are usually offered in programs at theological colleges or Bible institutes, and may lead to a certificate or an undergraduate degree.

Summary of Online Christian Bible Study Courses

Christian Bible study courses provide an academic and reflective understanding of the writings and teachings described in the Old Testament and New Testament. Bible study programs offered at theological schools may lead to a Bachelor of Arts in Religion, an Associate of Arts in Divinity or a certificate in Christian leadership. These programs help prepare graduates for careers as missionaries, pastors, counselors, religious education professionals and church administrators. Most online programs require students initially take just one course so they get a feel for the demands of distance learning. Many programs require written tests and research papers.

Course Requirements

Courses for online Christian Bible study may be self-paced or assigned a weekly class schedule. Students should have basic computer skills and have access to a computer with Internet access. Many schools use a secure virtual classroom to hold group discussions, provide assignments and accept homework. Students spend several hours a week reading and an equal amount of time interacting online with their instructor and classmates. Students should know how to send e-mail with attachments and to express themselves in written communication.

List of Online Christian Bible Study Courses

Elements of Bible Study Course

Students learn about the methods, principles and tools used in Bible study. They explore the canon of the scripture and the changes that occurred from the original writings to modern versions of biblical texts. Individuals learn how to observe, ask interpretative questions, outline passages, identify figurative and literal writing and apply principles found in the Bible.

The Old Testament Course

This online course reviews the entire Old Testament to understand ideas, including redemption, consummation, creation and transgression. Students survey the significance of the eschatological covenants and explore the Old Testament through cultural and historical context.

Gospel of John Course

This course reviews the life, work and teachings of Jesus Christ as described in the gospel according to John. Students examine each chapter of John's writing and discuss the key points.

Book of Acts Course

This online Christian Bible study course explores the six major sections of the book of Acts, which begins with the story of the first 30 years of the Christian church. Students learn about the Jerusalem Council, the purpose of baptism and the growth of the church throughout Western civilization.

The Genesis Course

Students in this online course are introduced to the Bible and doctrines originating in Genesis, including he origin of mankind, civilization, sin and evil, as well as the universe as seen through Christianity. Stories about biblical personalities such as Jacob, Abraham, Joseph and Isaac help students understand how the Bible has inspired people to trust and follow God. Students also compare how Genesis has contributed to the growth of world civilization.

The World of the Corinthians Course

This online course introduces the two canonical letters of Paul to the Corinthians and the efforts made to correct the problems that members of a church in Corinth faced while trying to conform to Christianity when the communities around them did not. The course discusses the differences between Christian and non-Christian behavior, and helps individuals understand how to interpret the scripture.

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