Tuesday 29 May 2012

Online Schools for Interdisciplinary Studies: How to Choose

Degrees in interdisciplinary studies are often appropriate for students with wide-ranging interests that encompass many fields of study. Both associate's and bachelor's degrees are available online.

How to Choose an Online School for Interdisciplinary Studies

Degree Focus and Available Electives

A degree in interdisciplinary studies is a general degree program that allows students with diverse academic interests a great deal of freedom in designing their own program of study. This degree may be used in a number of different career paths, depending on the focus a student chooses. Colleges have different requirements for interdisciplinary studies students and some colleges offer more online courses in a given area than other colleges. Students should choose a college based on what classes they are most interested in taking.

Time Requirements and Format

Different colleges offer courses in different formats, which may require more or less time commitment from students. Some courses provide a flexible schedule that allows students to choose when they complete their work, only requiring them to complete all courses by a specific day when class ends. These classes normally have no time-based attendance requirements, though they usually do require that students participate in class discussions through a message board or forum.
Other classes are designed to provide a traditional class schedule, with regular attendance via video or voice communication, often including streaming video of lectures. Students in classes of this sort must turn in assignments and tests on specific days. Online courses in this format may be intended as accelerated programs at times. Students should choose an institution that offers classes to suit their time requirements.

Online Degree Programs in Interdisciplinary Studies

Associate of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies

An associate of science in interdisciplinary studies is often designed for students who wish to go on to a bachelor's degree, often at a different college, that may be in a more specific subject. Students in an interdisciplinary studies program usually cover subjects that include history, mathematics, English, writing and social studies. This type of online degree program is often flexible because there are few or no required courses with a concentration in a particular area. This means that students may choose either accelerated courses or those with long, flexible schedules as they desire.

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies

Bachelor's degrees in interdisciplinary studies may be intended for students who will proceed to complete higher level degrees afterward or who wish to pursue a program of study not generally available as a formal major. Classes resemble those required for an associate's degree but often discuss topics in more depth or at a higher level. Online bachelor's degree programs in interdisciplinary studies are usually flexible, allowing students to set their own schedules. Some programs offer accelerated options that allow students to graduate in three years or less.

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