Tuesday 29 May 2012

Online Forensic Anthropology Classes

Classes in forensic anthropology teach techniques to categorize, identify and interpret human remains at crime scenes, in courts of law and for scientific study. These courses can be found online and usually satisfy program requirements for undergraduate and graduate degrees. They may also count as continuing education units.

Overview of Online Forensic Anthropology Classes

Online classes can be used to fill some requirements for 2- or 4-year degrees in anthropology, forensic nursing, forensic criminology, criminal justice or crime scene investigation. Potential graduate degrees include the Master of Arts in Applied Anthropology and Master of Science in Pharmacy - Forensic Science. Certificates in crime scene investigation, forensic criminology, toxicology, advanced crime analysis and death investigation are also available.

General Requirements for Online Courses

Some courses require participants to have prior biology and chemistry experience; others require them to have completed prior field or laboratory work--or to concurrently complete such practical assignments. Internet phone, instant messaging and video applications are useful to support both classroom and clinical work. When the class content contains multiple maps, charts, diagrams and photographs, high-quality printers are needed.

Sample List of Online Forensic Anthropology Courses

Basic Forensic Anthropology Course

This course builds on a general anthropology background by applying concepts from other disciplines--anatomy, botany, biology, entomology, chemistry--to crime scene investigations or field settings, such as an archaeological dig. It teaches methods to retrieve skin, hair and bone fragments, measure decomposition progress and establish identity using evidence. Lessons explain how to determine cause of death, evaluate evidence, provide expert testimony in court and balance needs of the investigation with ethical concerns.

Forensic Osteology Analysis in Investigations Course

Attendees review human skeletal structure, bone function and composition. They examine complete bones and microscopic fragments to differentiate between human or animal remains and identify ethnic-, age- and gender-based characteristics. They review evidence of cut marks, bites and scorching patterns. Students also study dentition and use dental records to reconstruct faces for establishing identity.

Forensic Pharmacology and Toxicology Course

This course presents serological analysis techniques to identify poisons and poisoning techniques encountered in hospitals and at crime scenes. The effects on human metabolism, individual organs and body systems are studied, and the course details the absorption and elimination processes of specific toxins.

Crime Scene Preservation Techniques Course

Students learn to apply essential forensic anthropology tools to preserve a crime scene while collecting evidence. They examine entomological artifacts, determine decomposition status, categorize blood splatters and evaluate other evidence. They learn the responsibilities of medical and legal personnel at a crime scene and the value that photography, scale diagramming and sketching provides in the field. By reviewing and critiquing both recent and historical case studies, students also identify mistakes and critical recurring issues.

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