Tuesday 29 May 2012

Online Islamic Studies Degree Program Options

Islamic studies programs are relatively rare for both online and on-campus offerings. Found almost exclusively at the master's level, these online programs are typically geared to pastors and other Christian scholars who wish to develop their skills in diplomacy and apologetics for missionary work.

Online Master's Degree in Islamic Studies Overview

Many Islamic studies programs are offered as a supplement to a broad, Christian-based theological training. Students in these programs typically study Islam to gain a more thorough knowledge of the Islamic faith to aid their future missions.

Program Information and Requirements

Setup for Islamic studies programs at the master's level varies from purely distance-based education to hybrid programs that require at least 50% of the courses to be taken on-campus. Students enrolling in this program should have a bachelor's degree, preferably in historical theology, biblical languages or other Christian studies. The online portion of the program engages students through e-mail and online discussion groups, with assignments submitted electronically.

List of Common Islamic Studies Courses

The course load at this degree level typically covers Islamic culture in the context of a broad theological core. Islam is studied from historical, religious and geographic perspectives.

New Testament Course

This class delves deeply into the latter books and lessons of the Christian Bible. The New Testament is typically part of the Islamic studies general requirements.

Old Testament Course

Starting with Genesis, this class covers the oldest books of the Bible. Students will study the writings from a Christian perspective, but the course will act as a foundation for Islamic apologetics.

Introduction to Islam Course

This class begins to discuss the Islamic faith, including the roots of the religion and its holy book, the Qu'ran.

Islamic Societies Course

This course is a historical and modern analysis of different Islamic nations throughout the world, particularly in the Middle East. Topics will include the role Islam plays in those societies and the history of Islam in the regions under study.

Career Information for Graduates

Graduates from a master's degree program are typically suited for missionary roles in Islamic societies. An Islamic studies degree gives Christian students the apologetics and linguistic skills necessary to increase their understanding of the Islamic faith. Many students who plan on pursuing doctoral research in theology will use a master's degree in Islamic studies as a stepping stone to that level.

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