Thursday 17 May 2012

List of Free Online Human Biology Courses and Classes

Course materials in human biology are available for free online through the University of Arizona, MIT and the University of Nottingham. Most course materials are text-based, although some include narrated animation.

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Here's how it works:
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Online Course Requirements and Information

Human biology courses and classes offered online for free, either accessed online or downloaded for independent study, do not earn academic credits or grades. Course materials may include lecture notes, reading lists, problem sets, labs and exams, some with answer keys. To access some course materials, students may need special software. Students learn on their own and are not able to communicate with other learners or instructors.

List of Free Human Biology Courses and Classes

Karotyping Activity at the University of Arizona

Part of the school's Biology Project, this human biology activity offers high school and college students the opportunity for hands-on practice with karotype analysis using case studies. A Spanish version is also available.

Blackett Family DNA Activity at the University of Arizona

This activity allows human biology students to practice using DNA autoradiograms and performing DNA profiling to determine genetic family relationships. Materials include text, tutorials and images.

Molecular Biology for the Auditory System at MIT

This graduate-level human biology class delves into the human auditory system. Through lecture notes for some course topics, students learn about the anatomy and physiology of the human ea. Other topics include genetics, cloning and common pathologies and disorders of the ear.
Lab projects and procedures are described step by step. Student can also download a representative exam, however an answer key is not available. Course information includes textbook used in the course.

Human Reproductive Biology at MIT

Graduate-level course material covers the male and female human reproductive system and common pathologies. Topics include endometriosis, impotence, menstruation, infertility, maternal physiology and polycystic ovarian syndrome. Assignments, homework and exams without answers are available. Students can access suggested and required readings and lecture notes in PDF format.

The Anatomy of the Kidneys at the University of Nottingham

Students learn the internal and anatomy of the human kidney, including all structures and the function of parts and the whole organ. Course materials include narrated animation, diagrams and descriptive text. Course materials can be downloaded or accessed online, along with links to relevant resources.

The Physiology of the Kidneys at the University of Nottingham

Course materials provide an in-depth look at human kidney function, specifically tubule secretion and resorption and glomerular filtration. Students can look at diagrams, explanatory text, narrated animation sequences, a quiz and answers that can be accessed online or downloaded.

Earn Real Credit from Free Courses

While the free courses above don't award credit directly, there are two widely recognized and affordable options for students to gain real college credit.

Option #1: Pass a CLEP Exam

The College Board's 33 CLEP exams allow you to test out of your general education requirements. Credit is accepted at 2/3 of colleges and universities in the U.S.

Option #2: Prepare a Portfolio helps you prepare a portfolio that proves your knowledge. A faculty expert then recommends how much credit should be awarded. The process is call 'prior learning assessment'.

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