Thursday 17 May 2012

Online Anatomy and Physiology Schools and Colleges: How to Choose

Many colleges widely offer online anatomy and physiology courses as part of undergraduate and graduate degrees in health sciences. Degree programs in anatomy or physiology are also available; however, few schools offer these degree programs entirely online. Individuals interested in pursuing a degree in anatomy or physiology should expect to complete degree programs via hybrid delivery methods.

How to Select Schools with Online Anatomy and Physiology Courses

Program Levels

Before selecting an online school, students should consider which award level will advance their professional goals. Online anatomy and physiology courses often are components of degree programs in health related disciplines, such as nursing, human movement, exercise physiology, sports science, cell biology and medicine.
Anatomy and physiology courses at the undergraduate level often emphasize basic systems and structures for direct application in patient care, such as nursing or sports science. Graduate programs approach anatomy and physiology courses on a more advanced level for research or comprehensive clinical application.

Program Type

Most anatomy and physiology courses involved lecture and lab components and are offered as hybrid programs. Therefore, prospective students should anticipate attending both online and on-campus classes. Lectures may be delivered virtually, but clinical labs often require on-site attendance. In addition, assignments and communications between faculty and students occur through course management systems, e-mail and message boards.
Schools that do offer anatomy and physiology courses entirely online still require students to complete laboratory credits. In these cases, students are expected not only to supply their own lab kits and supplies, but also to complete all experiments independently.

Additional Fees

Students contemplating online anatomy and physiology courses should expect to incur additional fees, such as independent lab kits and textbooks. Schools that offer online courses typically offer these products through college bookstores, occasionally at discounted rates for students.

Internships and Fieldwork

Many online, on-campus and hybrid master's and doctoral degree programs with an emphasis on anatomy and physiology, require clinical internships or fieldwork. Students interested in these graduate degree programs should consider schools and programs that assist with placement for these experiences.

Common Online Anatomy and Physiology Degree Programs

Bachelor's Degree in Physiology

Distance learning bachelor's degree programs in anatomy and physiology generally focus on human movement, kinesiology and molecular physiology. Courses in human anatomy and human genetics lay foundational knowledge for students to understand physiological concepts, such as biomechanics and metabolic exercise physiology.
Although few programs offer undergraduate anatomy and physiology degrees entirely online, students participating in specific online courses should be prepared to work independently through course management systems. Technical equipment required may include computers with broadband or DSL connections, e-mail, CD-Rom/DVD drives and audio speakers.

Master's Degree in Anatomy

Online graduate degree programs in anatomy are limited. Most on-campus degree programs emphasize theoretical and surgical anatomy components. Coursework may include neurological anatomy, embryology, musculoskeletal anatomy and orthopedics.
Coursework taken online utilizes course management systems, which allows students to upload and download assignments, communicate with instructors and fellow graduate students as well as access online libraries and technical support. Students also may collaborate via discussion boards, live chats, instant messaging and e-mail.

Master's Degree in Physiology

Students in an online master's degree program in physiology learn about cell chemistry, metabolism, immunology, genetics and various body systems, including skeletal, muscular, endocrine and cardiovascular systems. Coursework may also cover respiratory, reproductive and lymphatic systems. Clinical internships or practicums are often required prior to graduation. Prospective students should determine the program's protocol for placement of these experiences prior to admission.
Distance learning programs typically offer students round-the-clock access to lectures, downloads, assignments, libraries and technical support through course management systems. Students can utilize message boards, chat rooms and e-mail for additional interaction.

Doctoral Degrees in Physiology

Physiology doctoral degree programs often have interdisciplinary components with molecular and biomedical sciences, veterinary medicine and pathobiology degree programs. Emphasis is placed on advanced research and clinical experiences. Coursework may include cell biology, biochemistry, genetics, biotechnology, pharmacology, immunology and zoology.
Few distance learning physiology doctoral degree programs are available. Due to rigorous clinical research requirements, most are traditional, on-campus programs. Students may still communicate with instructors, researchers and classmates via messaging boards, professional networking sites and e-mail.

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