Thursday 17 May 2012

Online Architect Courses and Classes Overview

Students can complete online architecture courses at the undergraduate or graduate level. Architecture programs can rarely be completed entirely online, but many involve some on-campus or hybrid courses.

Overview of Online Architecture Courses

There are online undergraduate- and graduate-level courses and programs available for students who are interested in studying architecture. Students can complete online courses individually or in pursuit of a Bachelor of Science or Master of Architecture (M.Arch), although the full degree programs typically involve on-campus coursework as well. In distance-learning M.Arch programs, the on-campus portion often takes the form of a brief residency period, such as a summer session or a 1-week stay each semester. Graduates of an architecture degree program may find jobs as architects for government agencies or private firms.

Course Requirements

Online architecture students need to have regular access to a computer and the Internet. Students also need an e-mail account and Microsoft Word. Some programs require more advanced software that students may need to purchase for their personal computers, such as AutoCAD.

Online Architecture Courses

Introductory Architecture Course

In this course, students usually study the definition and history of architecture. Instructors often lead students in online discussions about the different theories and practices of architecture. Some instructors may assign projects that require the students to research and write about different architects and their design styles and techniques.

History of Architecture Course

Students in a history of architecture course usually study how architecture, design, construction and style have changed over time. Sometimes this course is divided into multiple sections that focus on shorter periods of time. Often, instructors lead online discussions, via a chat forum or discussion board, about architects of the past and the effect their work has had on modern architecture.

Introductory Architecture Design Course

This course is generally taken towards the beginning of an architecture program. Students may study design theory and the personal design style of famous architects throughout history. Instructors may lead students in online discussions about how to combine aesthetic design and functionality.

Computer Use in Architecture Course

A computer use course is usually taken in the beginning of a student's architecture program and is sometimes repeated at higher levels for a more in-depth look at the use of technology in architecture. Instructors may provide online lectures for students about the current uses of computers in architecture. Some programs may provide on-campus or virtual computer labs for students to experiment with common architecture software and technology.

Space and Composition Course

This course allows students to look at architecture from a spatial perspective. Students may participate in online discussions about the relationship between architecture and the natural environment. They may also study different theories on space and composition within the design of a structure.

Materials, Building and Construction Course

In this course, students may learn about the different types of building materials and the challenges of construction. Through online discussions and lectures, instructors often introduce students to some of the legal aspects of construction, such as obtaining city permits and following building codes.

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