Saturday 26 May 2012

Online French College Courses and Classes Overview

Online French college courses and classes are offered at many colleges and are perfect for beginners or those interested in enhancing their knowledge of the French language. Online courses range from introductory to advanced.

List of Popular Online French College Courses

Beginning French I Course

This online French college course allows students to work at their own pace while learning the basics in French grammar. Students read simple sentences and passages to learn French words and grammar.

Beginning French II Course

A continuation of Beginning French I, this course provides students with a more in-depth study of both French grammar and vocabulary. Students improve their skills in writing French. Students read literary and cultural works to gain additional knowledge of French words and to read more fluently.

Intermediate French Language Course

Course is aim at students who have a working knowledge of the French language and wish to expand their vocabulary and French reading ability. Students learn complex French words by reading longer and more complicated literary works.

French Language and Culture Course

Focus is on helping students develop communication skills in the French language by writing compositions using familiar French expressions and words, reading cultural and literary works and participating in online reviews designed to teach students correct French grammar. This intermediate French course consists of both assignments and exams.

Business French Basics Course

Students who require the use of French for business or professional use or are interested in a career requiring knowledge of the French language may find this course interesting. Students develop the skills needed to understand, and speak and write about topics involving professional French activities. This course focuses on insurance, banking, the stock market and other important aspects of the French economy.

Analysis of French Literature Course

Writers looked at in this course include Voltaire, Racine, Molière, Marivaux and Corneille. Students read and analyze works along with honing their French writing skills.

French Civilization

This is a survey course. It examines French history from the prehistoric to the 1800s. Students learn about French rulers Napoleon, Louis XIV, Charlemagne and Clovis.

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