Saturday 26 May 2012

Online Music Engineering Degree Information

Behind every CD or Mp3, there are music engineers who ensure that everything is just right. Although associate degrees are not widely available online, aspiring music producers do have another option - a bachelor's degree in recording arts or music engineering. Students can focus their work on engineering, composition or music theory. These online programs give students the flexibility to work and attend school.

Overview of Online Bachelor's Degrees in Music Engineering

These degree programs require the completion of 120-132 credit hours, including general education requirements. Colleges may offer these programs as a Bachelor of Art or Bachelor of Fine Art. While some programs focus mainly on music engineering, others look at music as a whole, from composition to performance and theory. These highly technical programs include training in signal processing, file management and software operation.

Program Information and Requirements

Most programs can be completed fully online. In some cases, students build their own digital portfolios and may be required to present a final project on campus to showcase their abilities and education.
Technical requirements for this program may include production, voice training or notation software. MIDI (musical instrument digital interface) software is also a must. Because some programs' curricula only works with Apple computers, students may have to invest in new laptops. Other hardware and software requirements can include microphones, Flash players, PDF readers and sound cards.

List of Online Music Engineering Courses

Core subjects in these degree programs include business, music, communication and computer science. Some programs also require students to complete general education and elective courses.

Music Production Course

In basic and advanced music production classes, students learn the principles of composition and how to run studio recording equipment. Related courses may touch on the different uses of music, including use in advertising. Students may produce advertising jingles and other pieces.

Music Theory Course

Music theory courses focus on song form, ear training and music construction. Students learn to communicate with musicians and other artists during production. Notation, harmonies and score reading are often covered in these courses.

Digital Recording Course

These courses introduce students to the equipment used in the music production process, including computer software. Students learn about input devices and the Macintosh operating system.

Career Information

Individuals with a bachelor's degree in music engineering can find jobs in the music and broadcasting industries as sound engineers and audio technicians. In 2008, there were approximately 19,500 individuals employed as sound engineers. These technicians earned an annual wage ranging from $23,790 to more than $92,700 during the same year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (

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