Saturday 26 May 2012

Online Novel and Essay Writing Courses and Classes

A vast array of writing classes exists online for the hopeful writer, educator or any individual who seeks to hone his or her writing skills. Choices are available through many 2- to 4-year schools, ranging from community education programs to master's degree programs in English writing. Online courses may be taken for credit or for personal enrichment.

Overview of Online Novel and Essay Writing Classes

Online writing classes are available for an aspiring writer who is seeking a workshop for a novel in-progress or for memoir-writing strategies. A student who is working toward a Bachelor of Arts in English Writing or a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing may find many institutions with distance-learning or independent study programs. Coursework and programs in writing are useful in many fields, such as academia, journalism, literature and film.

Course Requirements

A word processing program and a PDF reader are often used for online writing classes. Many schools also utilize online learning software that requires the latest version of the major Internet browsers. Most work is submitted via e-mail; however, the student might wish to print out class information, so access to a printer may be desired.

List of Online Novel and Essay Writing Classes and Associated Programs

First-Novel Writing Class

Often with a goal of completing a novel's first chapter, students learn the essential building blocks of the craft in this introductory class. Attention is given to constructing plot, point-of-view and setting. This type of course, which may be taken as personal enrichment or as part of a creative writing studies program, often includes interaction and feedback with peers through online discussion boards.

Personal Essay Writing Class

A memoir or personal essay writing class focuses on individual experience, memory and thoughts as creative nonfiction. Writing strategies like descriptive language, use of active voice and revision are explored. Typically, the biographical works of well-known memoirists are studied as examples.

Novel Writing Class

Some online novel writing classes break down the writing process into guided steps. Hopeful writers participate in online discussions and receive advice from instructors (who are often published novelists) on how to proceed from a first draft, acquire an agent and finally sell the novel. Guided writing classes of this type usually are intended for all levels of writing experience.

Online Mentorship Program for the Aspiring Novelist

The mentorship program is characteristically an exclusive course style for just a few students who have novels near completion. The budding novelist is usually mentored by an accomplished author. Students share feedback and constructive criticism in online discussion boards. This type of workshop-style program is usually taken by graduate students who are in a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program.

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