Saturday, 26 May 2012

Online Sign Language Lessons, Classes and Courses

Sign language, or American Sign Language (ASL) as it is formally known, is a language used to communicate with deaf people. Online sign language courses explore the history and culture of the deaf community and teach individuals the skills needed to use sign language as an interpreter, teacher or counselor. Students can take a course to learn basic skills or progress through a series of courses to the awarding of a certificate.

Summary of Online Sign Language Courses

Online courses in sign language teach students to express themselves and develop conversational skills by using gestures with their fingers, hands and arms. Students learn about the deaf culture and its history. They explore the literature used by this community and investigate how it compares to English. Online sign language courses are offered as a single class or a certificate program. People who know sign language work as interpreters, teachers, guides and counselors.

Course Requirements

Students taking online sign language courses are required to have a computer with an Internet connection, preferably a high-speed cable or DSL connection. Students must be proficient in word processing software, know how to manage files on a computer and be able to access an online educational system to check the class website and e-mail. Internet research may be required, and students must maintain a study schedule and communicate with their instructor regularly.
Sign language courses require access to a VCR or DVD player and recorder so students can review lessons and submit videos of themselves performing sign language for testing, which may also be done at an off-campus testing site. Students must demonstrate their skill in sign language by communicating a story, poem or lecture in sign language, which is evaluated against the English version.

List of Online Sign Language Courses

Fundamentals of American Sign Language Course

Students learn the fundamental skills needed to become competent in sign language, including fingerspelling, syntax, vocabulary and other signals. They learn gesturing and the application of these skills to communicate stories, dialogues and narratives at the basic level. This course serves as a foundation for additional sign language courses that are part of a certificate program.

ASL as a Second Language Course

Students are introduced to the deaf community in the U.S., and they explore the problems faced by adults when learning ASL as a second language. Students examine the differences in literature and language. They learn how to use non-verbal communication and visual gestures to communicate with deaf people.

Culture of the Deaf Community Course

This course examines the human ear and the causes, types and affects of hearing loss. Students gain perspectives on deafness and an understanding of how the educational system deals with deaf children. They learn terminology used by the deaf community.

History of Deaf People Course

Students in an online sign language course explore the history and issues facing the deaf community. They examine legal and educational issues and the role the Americans with Disabilities Act has had on them. Students participate in online discussions and attend events where sign language is the primary form of communication.

Comparative Linguistics: ASL and English Course

Students compare and explore spoken English and American Sign Language on five different levels of linguistics. This advance course reviews the general similarities and structures between the two languages and illustrates how sign language can be considered a natural language when compared with spoken English.

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