Saturday, 26 May 2012

Online Sports Broadcasting Schools and Colleges: How to Choose

There are a number of online degree programs that offer students preparation for a career in sports broadcasting. Online programs are available at the certificate, associate and bachelor's level. Since there is a wide range of media specializations in the field students are advised to consider their career and educational objectives before they begin looking at programs.

How to Select an Online Sports Broadcasting Program

Educational Requirements

Award level programs in broadcasting are recommended at the certificate, associate and bachelor's level. Since there are no undergraduate or graduate degrees devoted specifically to the field of sports broadcasting, students interested in the field should consider a degree in broadcast technology, television or radio. Professionals who work in broadcasting make sure that the technology behind the different formats is working correctly. About 50% of a degree in broadcasting consists of gaining hand-on knowledge of broadcasting programs and protocols. It's in the students' best interest to supplement online education though internships and professional hands-on experience.

Program Types

Online programs have a variety of enrollment options such as the full immersion and hybrid programs. Full online immersion programs offer complete training though video-based lectures, streaming media and online courses and typically do not require students to attend classes on campus. This program option is recommended to returning students and working professionals who are looking to improve their knowledge and brush up on their skills but who are familiar with video and radio broadcast equipment and programs.
A number of colleges and universities provide low-residency (hybrid) programs which require students to spend part of their time on campus. Students who have had no prior exposure to audio editing equipment, video editing software or recording tools would benefit from extra hands-on instruction offered in hybrid programs where they can supplement online courses with hands-on experience on the campus video or radio editing stations.

Technical Requirements

Online programs require fast Internet speed to accommodate the transmission of large media files, images and video stream lectures. Students in broadcasting may require additional software and hardware such as a microphone or video camera. Broadcasting programs incorporate hands-on aspect into the curriculum. This may require students to have regular access to essential sound, video and image editing software like Final Cut Pro, Dreamweaver and others. The required proficiency in lab recording software and equipment may require students to spend extra time on campus. Internships or campus studios give students the opportunity to abilities get acquainted with the necessary tools as well as work time for final pieces for their sport broadcasting portfolio.

List of Common Online Programs in Broadcasting

Online Associates of Applied Science in Telecommunications With a Concentration in Broadcasting

Telecommunications includes the production and creation of Internet, television and other media. A typical online associate's degree in telecommunications takes 2 years to complete. Students majoring in broadcasting learn technical and industry specializations such as voice and diction, media ethics, electronic production, video editing and post-production. Many of the core course can be taken online, workshop and editing courses as well as individual projects, may require the use of on-campus studio or sophisticated recording and editing equipment. Employers will request a portfolio of student's work and it's in the student's best interest to get as much studio and hands-on classroom training as possible.

Online Bachelor of Science in Broadcasting & Mass Communication

Online bachelor degree includes a requirement of liberal arts core classes such as math, speech and general social science and humanities electives. While taking online foundation courses in theories of communication, public relations journalism and news writing students learn to operate sound recording and video editing equipment.
Upper level students select a concentration in one area of broadcasting and Mass communication such as radio, Internet, journalism or television broadcasting. Juniors and senior level students work on developing a portfolio of work by writing a scrip, news story or by developing a radio or television feature.

Online Certificate in Broadcasting Technology

A professional online certificate in broadcasting technology is available at the post-baccalaureate level. The program introduces students interested in broadcasting to essential theories, ethics and practices employed by broadcast professionals. Students in the program are only required to take courses that focus on the essentials of the trade such as video and audio production, broadcast news writing, media ethics, programming and advanced production. Students follow online tutorials and video lectures and participate in online exchange with their instructors. A typical program last from 6 months to a year and many programs require students to complete an internship in their chosen trade before the can graduate from the program.

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