Saturday 26 May 2012

Online Italian Language Courses and Classes Overview

Online Italian language courses are available for individuals interested in leisure learning or for students in need of college foreign language credits. Through online videos, quizzes and audio software, Italian language courses are provided by various academic institutions and international organizations.

Overview of Online Italian Language Courses

Whether you are preparing for a trip to Italy, needing college foreign language credit or fulfilling a career requirement, a variety of online Italian language courses are available. Classes for beginners or for leisure learning are available through several online resources. Individuals interested in earning college foreign language credits or in gaining knowledge for their career can participate in online Italian language courses through distance learning opportunities provided by collegiate institutions.

Course Requirements

Most online Italian language courses incorporate exams, weekly writing assignments, quizzes, online discussion forums and audio assignments. Flash and Java software are required to view and to hear videos. Obtaining a free audio mixing software program, such as Audacity, is required by some programs in order for students to create mp3s for audio dictation assignments. To help reinforce conversational writing, some programs require students to maintain a blog written only in Italian. Skype, another free online software, is commonly used for video-based student-professor communication and online chatting.

List of Online Italian Language Courses

Vocabulary Course

The basic requirement to learning any secondary language is obtaining adequate knowledge of the alphabet and vocabulary. This class introduces the student to common words and practical phrases for basic communication in Italian. Some examples of common vocabulary groupings are greetings, pronouns, people, food, transportation, landmarks and emergency terms.

Writing Italian Course

Sentence construction is essential to successful written communication. This online course provides the student with instruction on identifying sentence components (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.), determining proper verb tenses and composing original sentences. Advanced Italian language courses require students to practice writing conversational Italian on a personal blog in order to further immerse them in the use of the written language.

Speaking Italian Course

Utilizing online audio programs, this course exposes students to listening and to speaking the Italian language. Through viewing online videos and by recording mp3s of student dictation, students hear and speak the terms learned in the vocabulary class. Speaking the sentences constructed by the students in the writing class personalizes the use of the previously learned language skills. Evaluations and discussions concerning students' progress occur in online discussion forums with other students. Professors can also utilize online chatting software to aid and to evaluate students' verbal communication abilities.

Italian Culture Course

This online course introduces students to the Italian culture and customs. All-Italian language courses incorporate a cultural component into the program to help students understand how the language was formed and how it is used. Providing an overview of Italian history, holidays, landmarks and social customs, this class takes the vocabulary, writing and speaking skills and applies them to situations common in the Italian-speaking world.

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