Thursday, 17 May 2012

Virtual Biology Training: How Does IT Work?

With the help of the Internet, students can take courses from just about anywhere worldwide - even on topics like biology, which require lab study. Continue reading below to learn why someone might take biology courses virtually and what requirements must be met to complete these courses.

How Does Virtual Biology Training Work?

The Purpose of Virtual Biology Training

Sometimes real lab experiences are too expensive, especially for schools with large student populations. Therefore, some schools see virtual labs as an efficient and inexpensive way to teach. They also see it as a way to let students focus on the content of the course, rather than worrying about making mistakes as they might in a real lab. Other schools see virtual labs as a way to link in-class learning with laboratory activities. According to a 2009 article on the Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education ( website, virtual labs help students grasp basic biology lab techniques more easily.

How Virtual Biology Training Works

Virtual biology labs are termed 'virtual' because students do everything on a computer from a remote location, as opposed to completing activities in an actual laboratory. But like real biology labs, virtual biology labs come fully equipped, with learning aids such as pictures, data and microscopes.
There are certain technical requirements for computers running virtual lab software. For example, a computer with a CD-ROM drive is often needed to install the simulation software. Media software such as QuickTime may also be needed to view instructional videos. Computers will probably need a sufficient amount of memory and free space to handle these installations and run the software.

What Do Students Learn in Virtual Biology Training Labs?

Students learn the same things they would in a real laboratory. Virtual biology courses cover microscopy, genetics, systematics, cell structure and plant evolution. Students also acquire skills relevant to biological research, such as graphing and spreadsheet use.
Just as in a traditional classroom, students will also be expected to complete homework and participate in group discussions. Quizzes and exams will be administered as well.

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